Awesome Books: Enneagram and Others

The Wisdom of the Enneagram (the bible of the Enneagram–perhaps the clearest and deepest explanation of the Enneagram to date): by Don Riso and Russ Hudson
Robin: by Dave Itzkoff (amazing biography of Type Seven Robin Williams.)
Ali: A Life— by Jonathon Eig (incredible story of Ali, a Type Eight)
Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, Volume 1-6: by Maurice Nicoll (perhaps the most powerful instructions on transformation and change that has ever been written)
The Light Does Shine: by Anthony Hinton (mind blowing story of a Type Nine who goes through radical transformation while on death row for 30 years)
Life After Death: by Damian Echols (remarkable story of a man, A Type Four, falsely convicted of murder and sexual assault and his transformation and ordination as a monk while in solitary confinement for 18 years).
Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson by Gurdjieff. A monumental creative work in which Gurdjieff captures the totality of the Universe and humanity’s role.
Life is Real Only When I Am by Gurdjieff. Extraordinary story of Gurdjieff and the challenges he faces. Amazing!
Deeper Man by John G. Bennett. Takes you to a whole new level of reality.
As Bill Sees It by Bill Wilson.The Zen of Recovery and Humility.
Mother California-A Story of Redemption Behind Bars: by Kenneth Hartman (amazing story of a Type Eight and his transformation in the darkest and most difficult prisons of California)
Personality Types: by Don Riso and Russ Hudson (Another Landmark book that profoundly describes the Levels of Health in each Type. Nothing like it.)
The Wisdom of No Escape: by Pema Chodron (Everything that Pema has written is amazing providing the most practical and real instructions for spiritual growth of just about anyone on the planet.)
The Power of Now: by Eckhart Tolle (Like Pema, everything he has written is powerful, practical, and real. Written by a Type 5.)
Witness: by John G. Bennett (the most remarkable story of a profound Gurdjieff student, perhaps his best and brightest along with Madame DeSalzmann. He is both brilliant and deeply humble sharing openly his very real challenges. Written by a likely Type 7)
The Unfolding Now: by A.H. Almass (Awesome book on developing Presence).
Views From the Real World: by Gurdjieff (An amazing account of Gurdjieff and his teachings, very accessible.)
Diamond Heart Books 1-5: by A.H. Almass (more jewels on the inner journey. Written by a Type 5)
I’m Your Man-The Life of Leonard Cohen: by Sylvie Simmons (captures the intense agony and ecstasy of Type Four Leonard Cohen).
Spiritual Bypassing-When Spirituality Disconnects Us from What Really Matters: by Robert Augustus Masters (a profoundly insightful look at how spiritual illusions so cleverly masquerade as spiritual truths)
When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron (Virtually everything Pema has written is non-ego-inflated, humble, and real, that is, practices that land you here and now. Perhaps our most powerful teacher on the planet at this time.)
How to Meditate by Pema Chodron (simple, clear, effective mindfulness practices…the best!)
Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions by Russell Brand (awesome interpretation of the 12 Steps. Open, spacious, creative, and in the gut real. Written by a wild and wholly Type 7, breaks the mold of a somewhat outdated Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book but utilizes the core of this book.)
The Uninhabited Earth by David Wallace Wells (a profound treatise on the precise and exact nature of climate change, and the impending disaster that is unfolding as you read these words. Inform yourself. The Enneagram is a tool for preparing us to be present to the exact nature of reality, and saving the planet is the highest priority.)
Taming Your Gremlin by Rick Carson. Awesome book for working with your Inner Critic.

Practicing Peace in Times of War by Pema Chodron. Powerful, poignant, clear instructions for weathering these chaotic times. Highly recommend.
The Book of Joy by Desmond Tutu and The Dalai Lama. Awesome teachings on activating presence, compassion and joy.
Meetings With Remarkable Men by Georges Gurdjieff. One of three books written by Gurdjieff with the wish to wake up Real ‘I.’
The Reality of Being by Madame DeSalzmann. Extraordinary insights that are both mind-blowing and grounded in simple experience and practice. Can’t get enough of her.