Interviews With The Types

One – The Reformer: The Principled, Purposeful Type. The Idealist. Driven to do what is right.
Two – The Helper: The Caring, Generous Type deeply centered in the heart center. Driven to be kind.
Three – The Achiever: The Success-Oriented Type. Driven to Excel and to shine radiantly.
Four – The Individualist*: The Introspective, Sensitive Type. Driven to find real self and to express beauty, authenticity, and deeply soulful expressions.
Five – The Investigator: The Intense Cerebral Type. Driven to figure things out, to discover what is real and true.
Six – The Loyalist: The Committed, Security Oriented Type. Driven to keeping things safe and predictable.
Seven – The Enthusiast: The Spontaneous, Exploratory Type. Driven to discover new and more interesting forms of experience.
Eight – The Challenger: The Powerful, Empowering Type. Driven to impact those around them and to empower people to express their courage, will and direction.
Nine – The Pacemaker: The Easy-Going Self-Effacing type. Driven to be a source and conduit of harmony, well-being and unconditional love and cooperation. :