Awesome Websites

Illuman: https://illuman.org/#about-illuman (The most powerful men’s organization on planet earth)
The Pema Chodron Foundation: https://pemachodronfoundation.org/
The Elders (International group focused on world peace and human rights): https://www.theelders.org/
Gurdjieff Bennett New York: http://gurdjieffbennettnyc.com/
Gurdjieff Society of Maine: http://gurdjieffsocietymaine.org/
The Moore Institute of Addiction Studies (One of the most progressive Addiction Treatment Centers in the USA): https://mooreinstitute.info/
The Narrative Enneagram (the leading Enneagram Certification school in the USA): https://www.enneagramworldwide.com/
Mindjuice (An amazing Enneagram Center for teaching and coaching in Copenhagen): https://www.mindjuice.com/
The Co-Active Coaching Institute (the leading international coaching school): https://coactive.com/
Deep Living Institute (Enneagram based coaching school): http://www.deeplivinginstitute.org/
The International Enneagram Association: https://www.internationalenneagram.org/
Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute (webinars on spiritual transformation…you’ll find me there): https://www.unityworldwideministries.org/uwsi/spiritual-explorers
Center for Contemplation and Action (Father Richard Rohr’s Center): https://cac.org/
International Enneagram Nine Points Magazine: https://ieaninepoints.com/
Unity Worldwide Ministry: (Progressive and deeply compassionate Christianity): www.unityworldwideministries.org
The Enneagram Institute: (Don Riso and Russ Hudson): www.enneagraminstitute.com
The Enneagram Prison Project (Bringing the Enneagram into Prisons): www.enneagramprisonproject.org/
Zen Peacemakers International: www.zenpeacemakers.org
The Mankind Project: https://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=mcafee&type=C210US105D20151112&p=mank
The Hoffman Process: https://www.hoffmaninstitute.org/ Powerful inner work retreat process. Not for the feint of heart.
By the Way Books https://www.bythewaybooks.com/ Awesome source of the best esoteric books on the planet.
Diamond Heart Work. https://www.diamondapproach.org/teaching