
The Alchemy of the Enneagram in Transforming Addiction–For Caregivers

Date: Ongoing…can join at any time. Session 2 Feb 19th.
Place: Zoom 
Time: 11 AM-12:30 PM (3rd Monday of each Month) 
Cost:  $429
Register:  Click Here


 The Wisdom of the Enneagram

Date: July 27-28, 10 am to 5 pm
Place: The Universe of Zoom
Time: 10 AM-5:30 am EST
Cost: Early Bird ($225 till Feb 22)  $250 (after Feb 22) Scholarship ($175)
Eventbrite Link: Click Here

The Enneagram and Relationships
Place: The Universe of Zoom
Time: 10 am EST-5 pm EST
Date: Sept 28-29
Cost: Early Bird ($225 till April 2, 2024) $250 (after April 1 2024) Scholarship ($195)
Register: Eventbrite
The Enneagram and the Three Instincts
Place: The Universe of Zoom
Time: 10 am EST-5 pm EST
Date: Oct 26-27 2024
Cost: Early Bird ($225 till May 1) $250 (after May 1) Scholarship ($175)
Register: Eventbrite
 The Journey of Growth, Levels of Health
Place: The Universe of Zoom
Time: 10 am EST-5 pm EST
Date: Dec 27-28 2024
Cost: Early Bird ($225 till June 1) $250 (after June 1) Scholarship ($175)
Register: Eventbrite

Enneagram Coaching Certification Training 6-Day
Date: TBA-2024
Place: Zoom
Cost: $675 Early Birth, $800 After Oct 23
Scholarships: $600
Register: Click Here

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