The Movies and the Study of Types

Selma: the story of Dr. Martin Luther King, a powerful Type Eight, and his courageous fight for justice for blacks.
Schindler’s List: a powerful movie about a courageous Type Eight, Oscar Schindler, who risked his life to save hundreds of Jewish folk.
Gran Torino: A Type Eight, Clint Eastwood, plays a wounded Type Eight who goes through a spiritual transformation. Captures the best and the worst of the Eight.
Good Will Hunting: Story of a Type Eight who transforms his suffering and opens his heart. Played by a Type Eight, Matt Damon.
Won’t You Be My Neighbor: The remarkable story of Fred Rogers, a Type Nine who embodies the Essential Quality of Unconditional Love and Kindness, while emitting an unshakable Peace.
Green Book: true story about a Black Concert Pianist, A Type One, and his courage in facing into racism.
Lincoln: a Steven Speilberg production of the life of a Type Nine, Mr. Lincoln. Beautifully done.
Invictus: Story of Nelson Mandela, an amazing Type One. Morgan Freeman plays Mandela.
Gandhi: the story of Gandhi, a courageous Type One, played by Ben Kingsley. Awesome movie.

Beautiful Boy: Story of a Type Two dad and his unrelenting commitment to saving his Type Four son’s life from addiction.
A Star is Born: powerful movie about two Type Threes, one struggling with addiction. Bradly Cooper and Lady Gaga are Type Threes.
Jerry McGuire: A Type Three Sports Agent is transformed into a caring, honest agent in a cuttthroat competitive sports world.
Beautiful Boy: true story of a Type Four who is struggling with horrific addiction and the journey he takes. Captures the truth and essence of addiction suffering.
Boyhood: captures the deep and sensitive nature of the Type Four artist in a movie that spans 15 years.
Imitation Game: a sensitive and insightful movie that captures the essence of a Type Five, Alan Turing, a computer whiz who designs the first computer that was considered critical for ending World War 2.
Malcolm X: the story of Type Six Malcolm X, and his spiritual journey.
Fierce Grace: a Powerful movie about one of our most potent teachers on the planet, Ram Dass, a Type Seven.
Rocketman: the story of Elton John including his recovery from addiction

Finding Vivian Maier. An amazing story about a Type Five photographer who takes thousands of pictures, black and whites, that capture the beauty of the human soul, and then fails to actually develop them. Only by a chance discovery are they brought to the world.
Journey of the Universe. A wonderful examination of the evolution of the Earth narrated by a beautiful Type Five, Brian Swimme.
Love and Mercy. Captures the life of Brian Wilson, the Beach Boys leader, and his struggle and journey as a Type Five who survives very difficult life challenges.