Portland Spiritual Groups

Gurdjieff Society of Maine: www.gurdjieffsocietymaine.org

Alcoholics Anonymous Central Service Office: www.csoaamaine.org

Portland Recovery Community Center 468 Forest Avenue Portland, ME 04101


Nagaloka » Meditation and Buddhism in Portland, Maine: www.nagalokabuddhistcenter.org

Peaceful Harbor Sangha Home: www.peacefulharborsangha.org

Brunswick-Portland Shambhala Center: www.brunswickmaine.shambhala.org


First Parish Church. 425 Congress Street, www.firstparishportland.org

Unity of Greater Portlandhttps://unitygreaterportland.org54 River Road, Windham, ME 04062-4047

Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist, Web: https://www.a2u2.org/, 524 Allen Avenue, Portland, Maine

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