November 2023
A Great Prayer
Divine Mystery, Holy Creator Help me to set aside everything I think I know about you. Help me to see aside everything I think I know about myself, about others, about life itself. Help me have an open mind an open heart for a new experience with everything you have created. I accept your grace
Taking the Side of Peace
“Today I am taking sides. I am taking the side of Peace. Peace, which I will not abandon even when its voice is drowned out by hurt and hatred, bitterness of loss, cries of right and wrong. I am taking the side of Peace whose name has barely been spoken in this winnerless war. I
“Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous elder on 03/16/2020…
(Reminder to self daily in this time of escalating violence, chaos, and fear…) “This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. If you repent of the problem and consume the
“Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous elder on 03/16/2020… Read More »
Helping the Type Five in Recovery–from The Alchemy of the Enneagram in Transforming Addiction.
Type Five— The Kind Wizard “If we truly use the Enneagram to see through our beliefs about ourselves we begin to feel more grounded and confident, more kind and compassionate, and more clear and discerning. Our centers are coming online, and we are more able to live the truths we have come to understand.” —RUSS