From Call Sagan’s Demon Haunted World, 1995…Prescience
From Call Sagan’s Demon Haunted World, 1995…Prescience Read More »
Powerful movie on the nature of addiction and it’s far-reaching effects, including the destruction of the earth.
Something to consider in these times of maximum upheaval by John G. Bennett, who like Gurdjieff, was well aware of the ensuing challenges we all face today. Hope you find this perspective useful for staying present and awake… This Time We Are In…John G. Bennett We must not have any attitude of blame towards people
This is an amazing documentary and tribute to the gutsy courage of our black athletes facing into the horror of racism. Produced by Type Eight Lebron James.
Reversing Negative Attitudes – (transcript of a talk) JG Bennett Talk given at Leighton House, Kensington, London November 7, 1972 “When some of us met a month or two ago at Shantock, I said that I would like to work with a number of people who had already experience of our work, and who would