Jacinda Ardern…Combining the Heart and the Head in Leadership…Beautiful Type Three
Jacinda Ardern…Combining the Heart and the Head in Leadership…Beautiful Type Three Read More »
The knack of refraining ~ Pema Chödron Many of our escapes are involuntary: addiction and dissociating from painful feelings are two examples. Anyone who has worked with a strong addiction—compulsive eating, compulsive sex, abuse of substances, explosive anger, or any other behavior that’s out of control—knows that when the urge comes on it’s irresistible. The
T What Really Matters – What If This Were My Last Day…?By David Daniels, M.D. “Here, I do my best to put in simple terms that love, and how to manifest it in our lives each day, is ultimately the path of liberation and “What Really Matters.” This means, embodying receptive presence with an open