Blessing for Getting the News
Blessing for Getting the News( on the sudden loss of a beloved) I don’t knowhow it will befor you.For me,when the news came—when it sat downacross from me in thewaiting roomat 4 a.m.,wearing scrubs andspeaking words awfuland full ofstrangeness—it came witha humming inmy head,an endless, echoing buzzingthat would neverentirely leave.I can hardly tell youthe words
Richard Rohr on the difference between Essence (Real Self) and Personality and the nature of conscious prayer. April 2, 2022
“The false self is your psychological creation of yourself in space and time. It comes from your early conditioning, family, roles, education, mind, culture, and religion. The false self is who you think you are! But thinking doesn’t make it so. The false self dies and passes away. Yet it is the raw material through
Father Richard Rohr on the Transformative gift of the Enneagram April 2, 2022
“The purpose of the Enneagram is not self-improvement, which would be our ego’s goal. Rather, it is the transformation of consciousness so that we can realize our essence, our True Self. Personality development and character building will happen on the side as a corollary, but this is not its primary goal. The primary goal of
Father Richard Rohr on the Transformative gift of the Enneagram April 2, 2022 Read More »
A Practice for These Most Difficult Times–from John G. Bennett April 2, 2022
Whenever you drop down into despair, fear, negativity about humanity and the future, or judgment of those perpetrating evil acts (try to remember that they are unconscious human beings, programmed by their life experiences), use all of this as a constant reminding factor to bring you back to sensing your body, and visualizing the above.
A Practice for These Most Difficult Times–from John G. Bennett April 2, 2022 Read More »
These Very Strange Times. March 31, 2022.
Painting by Joan Baez It just seems to never stop, the heartbreak that is. Six weeks ago Putin’s armies invaded the Ukraine and proceeded to slaughter innocent men, women, children–relentlessly. I’ve watched daily the unfolding of this horror, daily feeling slugged in the stomach or knifed in the heart. Such an abomination. It is hard