Michael Naylor

Michael is an International Enneagram Professional, CEO of the Maine Enneagram Center for Transformation and Well-Being, a Former Enneagram Institute Faculty and trained directly by Riso and Hudson, a CTI Professional Coach, an Addiction Therapist and Supervisor.

Cultivating Joy in Times of Despair, Horror, and Tragedy: “September” by Earth, Wind and Air

We are living in the most difficult of time, witnessing the dismantling of Democracy in America under the impulse of greedy, traitorous, conscience-death and unconscious human beings. The virus Covid is an outer manifestation of the inside of the soul of America. JG Bennett gave the date 2020 at a turning point, wake-up call for […]

Cultivating Joy in Times of Despair, Horror, and Tragedy: “September” by Earth, Wind and Air Read More »

Essence, Personality and the Nature of Transformation by Maurice Nicoll

Maurice Nicoll is perhaps one of the most profound writers that is nearly completely unknown, and provided thorugh his work, a huge collection of inner practices and perspectives. Once you have your Enneagram type in hand, your are all dressed up with often no place to go, except into your imagination and thinking center, wherein

Essence, Personality and the Nature of Transformation by Maurice Nicoll Read More »

October’s Astrological Ride: Hang on to Your Hats by Pat Maher

Patricia Maher astrologyIncisive Astrological Commentary Featured ColumnOctober 2 2020 October: two full moons, Mercury retrograde, Mars retrograde, and lots of dramatic dynamics. Sigh. This is the kind of month that makes me dislike being an astrologer… The pressure! How the hell am I supposed to interpret woman-tearing-hair-out, what is going on?! Let me just say

October’s Astrological Ride: Hang on to Your Hats by Pat Maher Read More »

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