Beautiful heartfelt sharing my James Corden, and beautifully inspired music by Ben Platt and Co.
James Corden’s reflections are so beautifully caring and compassionate, and Ben Platt follows with gorgeously empowered and loving music that matches the big heart of Corden. Enjoy.
The Chilling Depth of Bob Dylan–Type Four–A Prayer for Humanity
Bob Dylan opens the deep would of humanity that began with John Kennedy’s murder, and which now manifested is in full-blown planetary suffering. Grief runs deep in this song, and truth, deep emotional, no bullshit truth. May we be moved to do our part to heal our planet.
The Chilling Depth of Bob Dylan–Type Four–A Prayer for Humanity Read More »
The Deeply Soulful Tracy Chapman–Talkin’ Bout a Revolution–Type 4 Heart
In many ways, Tracy Chapman understands and sings about the very real suffering of humanity. Listen in.
The Deeply Soulful Tracy Chapman–Talkin’ Bout a Revolution–Type 4 Heart Read More »