October’s Astrological Ride: Hang on to Your Hats by Pat Maher
Patricia Maher astrologyIncisive Astrological Commentary Featured ColumnOctober 2 2020 October: two full moons, Mercury retrograde, Mars retrograde, and lots of dramatic dynamics. Sigh. This is the kind of month that makes me dislike being an astrologer… The pressure! How the hell am I supposed to interpret woman-tearing-hair-out, what is going on?! Let me just say
October’s Astrological Ride: Hang on to Your Hats by Pat Maher Read More »
Astrological Forecast for September, 2020…Hang to Your Seats…with Patricia Maher (https://patriciamaherastrology.wordpress.com/
September 2 2020 Just when we thought things couldn’t be crazier….we get Mars retrograde and Saturn-Pluto redux this month! Oh yes, September is a fun one, the kind of month that I have been nervous to write about. How can a girl possibly make sense of these dynamics?! So, first, Mars. Mars turns retrograde
Honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg–a beautiful Type One
This gorgeous invocation by Maya Angelou “When great trees fall,rocks on distant hills shudder,lions hunker downin tall grasses,and even elephantslumber after safety. When great trees fallin forests,small things recoil into silence,their senseseroded beyond fear. When great souls die,the air around us becomeslight, rare, sterile.We breathe, briefly.Our eyes, briefly,see witha hurtful clarity.Our memory, suddenly sharpened,examines,gnaws on
Honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg–a beautiful Type One Read More »