The Beauty of Humanity-February 1, 2020
A meditation on the radiant souls of human beings.
Playfulness, Light-Heartedness, recognizing the fundamental goodness in human beings…a fundamental practice for opening the heart, and the intuition. Grateful for the beauty and heart of human beings…
Cultivate Playfulness, Light-Heartedness-Feb 5, 2020 Read More »
In this time of great challenge, difficulty, suffering, and sometimes hopelessness mindfully remember to lean into and cultivate joy, appreciation, beauty, creativity, and love. It is so very important for mustering the energy and strength to bring transformation to our beloved humanity.
We live in extreme times where the divide between those who have the resources to live well, and those who don’t continue to grow rapidly. This short video simply yet graphically captures this reality.
In a recent conversation with a Type Four who is just beginning the journey of understanding his type, I asked him whether he ever noticed Envy. His reply, instantly: Crippling Envy! We’d been talking about the various demons that can intrude in the psychic space of the Type 4, in particular, what can happen when the
Type Four: The Balrog of Envy and Other Inner Friends Read More »
As a Type Four I discovered that exercise is imperative if I want to avoid that gravitational pull to wallow in melancholy and other associated haunting swampy states. Wendy Suzuki nails the importance of exercise! I hope that this will inspire you to take on the task of exercising healthily and regularly.
Clarification on the nature of change by Almass. “Many authors on inner development write about the void, or ego death, as if it were one definite experience that ends the ego identity once and for all. This is false and misleading. Ego death is a repeated, and in time a continual, experience. The void is
A wish for you in these beginning days of 2020… ON THIS DAY “May you fall madly in love this year .. In love with someoneWho unhinges your tired trajectory In love with a spouse of several yearsWho might be aching for lightning In love with demanding childrenAnd crazy relatives .. In love with the
“We have a mind-condition that makes us itch for two types of pleasure: pleasure of the senses and pleasure of the ego. When our senses are pleasantly stimulated, as when we eat something tasty, or our ego is pleasantly stimulated, as when we are praised for something we did, we feel joy, which is good.