Cultivating Joy in Times of Despair, Horror, and Tragedy: “September” by Earth, Wind and Air

We are living in the most difficult of time, witnessing the dismantling of Democracy in America under the impulse of greedy, traitorous, conscience-death and unconscious human beings. The virus Covid is an outer manifestation of the inside of the soul of America. JG Bennett gave the date 2020 at a turning point, wake-up call for humanity and we are witnessing the darkness in shades once believed buried in World-War-2 Germany, only now again, arising from what was hoped to be a hermetically sealed tomb. In light of these very real and treacherous times, COVID deaths at 225,000 and rising, Black Lives Matters still a plea in the darkness as more innocent black women and men are murdered outright, lawlessness a rampant, viral disease amongst our leaders, both corporate and political (except for a few bright lights) we must find a way to stay centered, collected, not eaten by the negativity but using it to wake-up. We can. We must. We will. I find that music is a great soul-lift for me and offer you this song by Earth, Wind, and Fire, called September. Stand up, dance, let joy inhabit your heart. Make it a habit. Make…it…a…Habit. Intuitive Guidance will find you amidst your moments of joyful and loving celebration.

More September joy…

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