Praise for
The Alchemy of the Enneagram in Transforming Addiction
“The Alchemy of the Enneagram in Transforming Addiction is inspiring,
informative, deeply personal, and uplifting, offering objective hope without
denying the heavy work and self-responsibility of recovery, and self=realization. Michael imparts the invaluable teachings of the Enneagram
in a way that is personal, passionate, engages the mind, and touches the
heart. This book speaks to our universal suffering, the obstacles, but equally
to our potential. His wisdom arises from his own lived experience. I know
that Michael Naylor’s new book will become a staple in every addiction
professional’s repertoire. His unique perspective on the Enneagram to
approach addiction treatment may very well change the course of how we
serve those in treatment. His gift is his personal accounts and making the
types so real. I think this book is not just good for addiction, it is really
great for everybody because it brings in empathic immediacy.”
—Leah Chyten. LICSW, Diamond Approach teacher,
author of Light, Radiance, Splendor
“Michael Naylor’s new book contains deep insight, extensive knowledge
of the Enneagram, and compelling real-life stories of those in addiction
recovery. This book will become a staple for therapists, addiction
counselors, recovery coaches, spiritual directors, and other who support
those in recovery. His great Enneagram lens around addiction may well
change how we approach serving those in treatment. A worthy addition
to your resource library.”
—Lou Kaucic, Professional Co-Active Coach
and CEO of the Coaches Collective
“This important book acknowledges that recovery is not a ‘one size fits
all’ process. Michael, an internationally celebrated Enneagram teacher,
articulates the 9 discreet psychic structures that operate as delusions and
veils to our recovery. This insight to our diversity, together with a sound
knowledge of addiction patterns, both honors the complexity of our
humanness and the need for a sophisticated approach to recovery. This
is the manual for freedom from addiction and living a more fulfilling
conscious life.”
—Jutka Freiman, Director of Graduate Hoffman
Quadrinity Program and Enneagram Teacher/Trainer
“Michael is one of the most natural and authentic leaders I have worked
with. His gentle style, quick wit, natural inclination to nurture others,
and his listening heart shine through in his new book. His innovative
approach to addiction treatment combines his incredible command of
the Enneagram with heart-centered counseling.”
—Deb Taylor, Spiritual Director, Unity Church, Oregon
“Michael Naylor shares his years of wisdom and offers practical guidelines,
suggestions, and specific techniques for practitioners who help those
gripped by addiction. He describes nine distinct paths for recovery and
the telltale signs that each Enneagram type must watch out for. I highly
recommend this book to every addiction professional and coach.”
—Kathleen Stinnett, MCC, Author of The Extraordinary Coach
“Michael writes with integrity, compassion, and grace. In his book, he
combines his highly developed skills as an Enneagram coach and addiction
counselor with deep insight into type-specific protection mechanisms,
relapse patterns, and point-by-point suggestions to support each type
through their journey to recovery. Every addiction professional will value
this addition to their resource library.”
—Pamela Parker, Director of the Conscious Center International
“Michael Naylor‘s book is a valuable contribution to the sparse reading
for and about men. It provides incredible insight into the forces of today’s
society that shape men’s lives. The Enneagram framework leads the reader
to understanding and healing the core suffering of men. Michael has
developed a heart-centered approach to seeing the beauty in men and
healing the male heart. I worked closely with Michael for eight years
co-facilitating men’s transformation groups and can attest to the love and
care he feels and brings to men. This is a must-read for men working to
heal their addictions.”
— Stephan Andrew, CCS, LADC, LCSW, International
MINT trainer/leader, Author of Love in Action, co-author of
Game Plan: A Man’s Guide to Achieving Emotional Fitness
“Michael is one of those rare people who combine great insight
with genuine kindness. His work as an Enneagram coach has been a
never-ending wellspring on my own journey. Trying to quantify the impact
of Michael’s Enneagram coaching in my life is like trying to count the
stars in a desert sky. Michael has been the first Enneagram coach who
could really reach me. He showed me a tool to be a better man, and start
using my gifts to make a better world.”
—Nelson Marsh, Iconoclastic Artist, Poet, Philosopher
“Thanks to Michael’s book, the Enneagram as a tailor-made recovery
tool is being made available for the first time to those professionals who
help people in recovery. The anecdotal stories from the perspectives of
the different type-domains are particularly insightful. Do not pass up
this opportunity to discover what this book has to offer for your work as
a recovery professional.”
—Maggie Simpson-Crabaugh, Enneagram
Institute Certified Enneagram Teacher
“If you enjoy writing that’s casually profound, poignant, colloquial and
engaging, then you’ll enjoy Michael Naylor’s writing. If you have an
interest in the Enneagram, there’s no one better than Michael at making it
accessible and applicable in ways that will make its impact on you
meaningful to the bone. If you ever have an opportunity to participate in
one of his Enneagram workshops, jump at it!”
—Bruce Ditnes, Retired Editor and Provocateur
“As a person who has worked in the substance use disorder field for the
past 20 years, this book highlights the marriage between the disease of
addiction and the discovery of a deep understanding of self. It is a perfect
recipe to help individuals understand their core as well as how that relates
to problematic substance use. I think this book will resonate with and
benefit countless professionals in the field of addiction recovery.”
—Kathy Prenevost, LMSW
“Michael’s depth of knowledge of the Enneagram is incomparable. In his
book, he shares this deep wisdom with compassion, humor, and kindness.
I’m confident it will touch many lives.”
—Jillian Hostenske, MS, Business, Accountant
“Michael is a deep soul. A real, authentic, accessible, and empathetic
soul. A soul that has been forged and deepened in the fires of real life,
challenges, struggle and ultimately faith, hard work, humility, grace,
starting over and one step at a time. The result is a soul who is fully
present, connected, light, playful yet fully committed to being with the
person in front of him in deep and helpful ways. He is a gift. And his
book, a transmission of his gifts.”
—George Fleming, MA, InsightAction Breakthrough Coaching,
Center for Conscious Potential
“Michael has been one of the most influential Enneagram teachers in my
life—he has guided, coached and mentored me in some of the darkest
places on my life’s journey…. Always calling me back to presence and
aligning with my truest self. He has shown me how to love myself with
kindness and compassionate grace in a way that has allowed my soul to
be made whole.”
— Bev Gorman, RN, Riso-Hudson Certified Enneagram Coach
“I’ve attended multiple Enneagram workshops led by Michael and worked
with him as an Enneagram coach for nearly a year.Michael has an intuitive
and graceful way of conveying the depth and value of using the Enneagram
to foster personal growth. With his help, I was able to have a courageous
conversation with my son and come to an understanding and greater
intimacy with him.”
—Stephanie Aldrich, Health Policy Analysis and Consulting
“Michael Naylor has written a heartfelt and compassionate book that
plumbs the souls of the Enneagram types in recovery. His writing
imparts a felt experience of the inner landscape, dialogue and
psychodynamics of recovering individuals. Michael artfully describes
mining the shadow for the gold of self-knowledge and conscious
choice. He shows us that the very thoughts, feelings and behaviors that
enslave us hold the key to our liberation.
— Ron Esposito, MA, Life Coach, Enneagram Teacher and
Recovery Facilitator, Conscious Living Center, Cincinnati, Ohio