Public Holy Wisdom and Prayer by Rashani
There is a brokenness out of which comes the unbroken,A shatteredness out of which blooms the unshatterable.There is a sorrow beyond all grief which leads to joy,And a fragility out of whose depths emerges strength.There is a hollow space too vast for words,Through which we pass with each loss,Out of whose darkness we are sanctioned
He (Gurdjieff) Was a Real Threat, by Michel de Salzmann
I would like to convey the impression I experienced while near him, the impression that emanated from him: the impression of a permanency. He was always quiet, contained, regardless of the circumstances, dramatic or otherwise—and there were many such—whether he was on his way to the market or remaining with his students, presiding at his
He (Gurdjieff) Was a Real Threat, by Michel de Salzmann Read More »
By Rashani…A Prayer for the Beloved Addict
Oh, this garment of flesh,a temporary crèche for our soulsas we polish the jewelsof awareness. Beloved friend,you came and you wentfrom this earth plane,fearlessly dancing on the edgesof timelessness and time,quietly poisedon the molten ledgeswhere sanity unfoldsinto a multi-dimensionalspectrum. And:no one came and no one left.A thousand faces appearedand disappearedthrough the filters of others’perceptions and
It is ironic that the people who receive most of the world’s adulation are so busy living the unexamined life that they have no time to do authentic soul work. Politicians, actors, athletes, rock stars, the movers and shakers-they don’t take the time to walk the interior path. There’s little reason to suspect that many
Men’s Initiation into Authentic Self…Richard Rohr
“Men need a kind of baptism or initiation to set them on a spiritual path. This can take the form of a major failure, an overriding desire, or often a great wounding-physical, emotional, or psychological. We need to fall, to fail, and to jump into the mystery of our own existence, or we literally stay
Men’s Initiation into Authentic Self…Richard Rohr Read More »