Brene Brown on 25 Years of Recovery
I rarely think about my sobriety in terms of years. For me, celebrating 25 years of sobriety is about reflecting back on “trying to do the next right thing” for the past 9,125 days or, more honestly, for the past 219,000 hours. It also means staying humble and grateful that, with the help of countless
Maya Angelou…Continue
My wish for youIs that you continue Continue To be who and how you areTo astonish a mean worldWith your acts of kindness Continue To allow humor to lighten the burdenOf your tender heart Continue In a society dark with crueltyTo let the people hear the grandeurOf God in the peals of your laughter Continue
“Unless you can feel the heart and soul and sufferingof each Human being you meet, you cannot fully awaken.” “Unless you experience deeply that he or she isFundamentally just like you, you are asleep.” “This is the final obstacle for a human being on thePath of Transformation.”
JOHN O’DONOHUE Excerpt from his book, Eternal Echoes
“There are no manuals for the construction of the individual you would like to become. You are the only one who can decide this and take up the lifetime of work that it demands. This is a wonderful privilege and such an exciting adventure. To grow into the person that your deepest longing desires is
JOHN O’DONOHUE Excerpt from his book, Eternal Echoes Read More »
Don’t Set Out to Save the World ~ Pema Chödron
When we are training in the art of peace, we are not given any promises that, because of our noble intentions, everything will be okay. In fact, there are no promises of fruition at all. Instead, we are encouraged to simply look deeply at joy and sorrow, at laughing and crying, at hoping and fearing,
The knack of refraining ~ Pema Chödron
Many of our escapes are involuntary: addiction and dissociating from painful feelings are two examples. Anyone who has worked with a strong addiction—compulsive eating, compulsive sex, abuse of substances, explosive anger, or any other behavior that’s out of control—knows that when the urge comes on it’s irresistible. The seduction is too strong. So we train
Richard Rohr on the Transformative gift of the Enneagram: Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation The Enneagram (Part 1) The Purpose of the Enneagram
The purpose of the Enneagram is not self-improvement, which would be our ego’s goal. Rather, it is the transformation of consciousness so that we can realize our essence, our True Self. Personality development and character building will happen on the side as a corollary, but this is not its primary goal. The primary goal of