Michael Naylor

Michael is an International Enneagram Professional, CEO of the Maine Enneagram Center for Transformation and Well-Being, a Former Enneagram Institute Faculty and trained directly by Riso and Hudson, a CTI Professional Coach, an Addiction Therapist and Supervisor.

The knack of refraining ~ Pema Chödron

Many of our escapes are involuntary: addiction and dissociating from painful feelings are two examples. Anyone who has worked with a strong addiction—compulsive eating, compulsive sex, abuse of substances, explosive anger, or any other behavior that’s out of control—knows that when the urge comes on it’s irresistible. The seduction is too strong. So we train

The knack of refraining ~ Pema Chödron Read More »

Richard Rohr on the Transformative gift of the Enneagram: Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation The Enneagram (Part 1) The Purpose of the Enneagram

The purpose of the Enneagram is not self-improvement, which would be our ego’s goal. Rather, it is the transformation of consciousness so that we can realize our essence, our True Self. Personality development and character building will happen on the side as a corollary, but this is not its primary goal. The primary goal of

Richard Rohr on the Transformative gift of the Enneagram: Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation The Enneagram (Part 1) The Purpose of the Enneagram Read More »

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