39 Years Sober…Thank You Dear Friends and Guides–March 11, 2021
39 Years Sober…Thank You Dear Friends and Guides–March 11, 2021 Read More »
“Try Not to Express Negativity” by Stephen Aronson Stephen Aronson Of all Gurdjieff’s directions and suggestions for the practical implementation of his ideas, the one which seems most persistently misunderstood is his recommendation to “Try not to express negativity”. Regardless of how often students may be reminded that the Work may be about psychological evolution,
Reversing Negative Attitudes – (transcript of a talk) JG Bennett Talk given at Leighton House, Kensington, London November 7, 1972 “When some of us met a month or two ago at Shantock, I said that I would like to work with a number of people who had already experience of our work, and who would
Man Prayer Part 2: May I love my father, and the men in my life, and may I acknowledge and support men who have been taught to disregard their lives as unimportant and only fodder for war, who have been taught that their worth comes through working themselves to death and denying the needs of
February 1 2021 Mercury is retrograde, and the Saturn-Uranus square is upon us! And so many planets in Aquarius! February is interesting, with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn all in Aquarius. Uranus, Aquarius’ ruling planet is a big actor right now, so chefs, we have prepared the Aquarian effect two ways for you this
PATRICIA MAHER ASTROLOGY Incisive Astrological Commentary …February 2021 Read More »