A Beautiful Type Four Song–Empty–by Ray Lamontagne
A Beautiful Type Four Song–Empty–by Ray Lamontagne Read More »
Pema Chödrön explains how stepping out of your cocoon and extending compassion to others is the key to lasting joy and happiness. PEMA CHODRON MAY 31, 2018 Being able to lighten up is the key to feeling at home with your body, mind, and emotions, to feeling worthy to live on this planet. For example,
Captures the soul of the Type 4 ❤️ “I loved you before I was born.It doesn’t make sense, I know. I saw your eyes before I had eyes to see.And I’ve lived longingfor your every look ever since.That longing entered time as this body.And the longing grew as this body waxed.And the longing grows as the
I Loved You Before I Was Born–The Soul of the Type Four Read More »
This powerful clip from Tomorrowland chillingly reflects what humanity frequently does in the face of an emergency: goes to sleep, indulges oneself in self-pleasuring, looks away, or surrenders to self-pity or victimhood, or resentment for the circumstance, rather than meeting it fully awake with the soul of an adult who takes responsibility for what is
May you breathe deeply the impressions that arise in you while you watch this video. There is a wealth of deep humanness here that is available for all us, that brings the profound sense of belonging to humanity, which is the deeper goal of the Enneagram and our inner work designed to humanize us, melt
In this time of great challenge, difficulty, suffering, and sometimes hopelessness mindfully remember to lean into and cultivate joy, appreciation, beauty, creativity, and love. It is so very important for mustering the energy and strength to bring transformation to our beloved humanity.
We live in extreme times where the divide between those who have the resources to live well, and those who don’t continue to grow rapidly. This short video simply yet graphically captures this reality.