As I rest in the gratitude of being a grandfather who has the opportunity to have my heart opened with joy, gratitude, humor, and love with this little guy, Felix, I am noticing that the many labors I have partaken in to heal and open my heart have come to fruition in ways could never imagine. The darkest hours, or times of endarkenment when death whispered and railed everywhere, can be resurrected as a a brighter and spacious light, love, joy, and gratitude. As I work on finishing a memoir called Nightmares and Inspirations–and Unlikely Path to Mercy and Forgiveness, I hold this jewel in the forefront of my attention: One never knows what awaits one, especially in the dark periods of one’s annihilation and unlikely awakening, and with the many, many times I wished to give up, something inside persisted, said ‘Not yet. Keep going. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.’ So please, if you are up against unthinkable suffering and tragedy, hang on one more second if you can. Just one second at a time. Miracles can arrive from this great suffering.