Pat Maher’s March Astrology Reading 2021

March 4 2021
March begins and ends with juicy aspects – ideas and communication at the start, and a gorgeous Sun-Venus conjunction at the end. Bring on the love. 

March is an interesting month.   It begins with Mercury and Jupiter paired up in Aquarius. That’s all about conviviality and the exchange of ideas with some Aquarian dogmatism thrown in…
But Saturn and Uranus still have us rockin and rolling…
And the Saturn-Uranus square continues to be the dominant influence this month. Now that we are two months into it, it is easier to see its complexity. 
Remember that it is fundamentally about a struggle between old and new, and it has the potential for visionary change, for breakdown, and for rebuilding and restructuring with Aquarian humanitarian values.  It is a very structural aspect, having to do with the structures of society and of the earth itself.  It has an edgy, dramatic quality, and we don’t know whether to feel good or bad about the state of the world.  Saturn and Uranus also have a polarizing, dogmatic, and repressive side (to wit, the Republican Party’s  allegiance to white supremacists, and the state repression in Myanmar.)  Uranus is in Taurus, the quintessential earth sign, and Saturn is in Aquarius, a fixed air sign, as I have written about over the past couple of months.
Our most recent poster child for Saturn and Uranus ….
…would be the events in Texas.   I had long expected that Saturn and Uranus would bring dramatic climate events, but what we have seen in Texas is climate change in combination with a collapsed infrastructure as a result of  petrocapitalism.   As Saturn and Uranus approach the earth axis this spring and summer, there will be more of this – more climate events with dramatic and drastic structural consequences, and confrontations with the sheer inhumanity of our economic arrangement.  

Sorry, folks. And just today, two huge earthquakes (8-pointers!) occurred off of the New Zealand coast, with threats of tsunamis in the Pacific.   This, too, is a reflection of Saturn and Uranus.
But the last 10 days of March bring a beautiful Sun-Venus conjunction.  The Sun and Venus are close together on the Equinox (happy spring!) when they cross over the earth axis, the axis created by the equinox and solstice points.  Jeez—maybe world peace breaks out!   The Sun and Venus move together throughout the rest of the month, putting the focus on opening our hearts.
Important dates in March
March 13   5 22 am        New moon @ 23’04  Pisces.   Invite in Neptune’s inspiration!
March 14    Daylight savings time begins 
March 19    Sun -Venus conjunction begins @ 28’00  Pisces         
March  20    539 am       Spring Equinox!   Sun enters Aries!     Happy Spring!
March 21    10 17 am    Venus enters Aries      Sun and Venus cross the earth axis!  Celebrate world peace and justice!
March 28   10 49 am   Full moon @ 8’18 Libra        Tell your peeps you love them!

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