
PATRICIA MAHER ASTROLOGY…Forecast for November…Hang on to your seats…and stay hopeful.

November 1 2020

Change is coming, I swear. In fact, change has been happening.  Pluto has showed its heart center and people have been rising up .. .for months! 

In November Mars and Mercury go direct. Saturn and Jupiter start their conjunction and usher in grounded leadership.

Let me cut to the chase. This is a rough time and we are all crazed in the run up to the election.  The question isn’t so much who will win the election but what will 45 do when he loses?

I am being unusually succinct this month – in part because I’m doing voter protection work in Ohio and that is my focus.

Here is the deal: 

We will remain anxious and wigged out through election day, despite the signs pointing to Biden’s win, because we know we are still living through multiple  disasters.  Mercury turns direct on November 3rd, bringing some clarity.  Saturn and Mercury will clarify and hopefully speed the ballot counting. Mars turns direct November 13th. Although it remains almost stationary for the rest of the month, but at least it ain’t moving backwards. With Mercury and Mars moving direct, there will be less uncertainty, less unpredictability.  Will there be crap happening? Yes. Might there be violence?  Yes, very likely.  Will it backfire?  Yes.  First Mars retrograde and then Mars direct are parked in an angle to Trump’s Neptune—people are just done with him and his compulsive mendaciousness and narcissism.

The Sun in Sagittarius and Mars in Aries make a nice angle on December 14th, the day of the Electoral College vote.  This is a a significant day in the Mars cycle that brings resolution to what occurred during Mars retrograde:  the disasters of self-aggrandizement on display from September through Nov 13.

Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn dominate the first three weeks of November and Jupiter and Saturn start their conjunction  at the end.  Jupiter and Pluto make the reality of the pandemic unavoidable, and they help us plan for sustainability. Venus is also in the mix, lifting up a sense of community responsibility.  Jupiter and Saturn bring sensible leadership and a feeling of groundedness and stability. And dare I say It?  Maybe even wisdom.

The most interesting part of the month is that towards the end of November we get an emphasis of  future-oriented transits.  Venus opposes Uranus; Jupiter conjuncts Saturn, a Gemini full moon.

Another world is possible.  Bring it on!

November’s Important Dates:

November 1         Honor the ancestors! They are working double time on our behalf!

November 3rd        Election day!   Mercury turns direct    1251 pm EST   @25’57 Libra    VOTE! 

November 13th  Mars turns direct   737 pm  EST   @15’14 Aries   …      Woo hoo!  I think we will want to celebrate

November 15    New moon      12 08 pm    EST    @23’18 Scorpio …   Meditate, plan for sustainability and community mutual aid!

November 21   Sun enters Sagittarius    341 pm EST

November 30   Full moon and annular eclipse     431 am       @ 8’38 Gemini …  Talk and envision the future!

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