PATRICIA MAHER ASTROLOGY Incisive Astrological Commentary …February 2021

February 1 2021

Mercury is retrograde, and the Saturn-Uranus square is upon us!  And so many planets in Aquarius!

February is interesting, with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn all in Aquarius.  Uranus, Aquarius’ ruling planet is a big actor right now, so chefs, we have prepared the Aquarian effect two ways for you this month.   What does that mean?  It puts the focus on vision, on the future, on concern for the collective– and on ideology.  As I have written before, Aquarius has to do with a sense of belonging to the largest collective possible, or isolation from it.  It makes sense astrologically that the pandemic restrictions are forcing a kind of isolation and also facilitating creative ways for people to be in relationship with each other. 

Uranus, the ultimate change agent, can also be a force of polarization. It is the planet of reversal, and we can see this playing out in the public sphere.  The Saturn-Uranus square, which will be in effect throughout the spring, is tight this month and is already positing the forces of innovation against those of the status quo. It can feel like three steps forward and two steps back, but it is really a wrestling match between visionary progressive change and holding onto the old ways.  In the case of the US, the old ways are white supremacy, and with a particularly Aquarian twist, the white supremacists see themselves as the revolutionaries.  President Biden, the ultimate old guard politician, is putting forth holistic plans that integrate racial justice and climate justice. Uranus has certainly turned things on their heads.

We need to get used to this creative tension between old and new. It is a process! 

But let’s talk about Mitch McConnell!  He is a February 20th Pisces, with many planets in fixed signs of Aquarius and Taurus, which means he’s getting buffeted by the Saturn Uranus changes.  In his birth chart, he has a Mars-Saturn conjunction in Taurus, the ultimate hardball combination. The Mars Saturn conjunction gives him his terrifyingly Machiavellian strategic ability.  He also has Venus retrograde in Aquarius opposite Pluto – he maneuvers and protects his values in a stealthy way. Right now, Saturn and Uranus are on top of his Venus-Pluto angle.  He’s in a pitched battle about values, about the direction of the republican party, and trying to figure out how to hold onto his power.  By the fall, Saturn alone—without Uranus—will move across his Mercury and Venus in Aquarius. He will have a tough time this year.

Mercury is retrograde till the 20th, so you know what to do.  Be guided by your intuition and go with the flow.  On February 8th it crosses paths with the Sun for a couple of days, coinciding with the start of the impeachment trial in the Senate.  There will be manipulations and revelations.  The other day to watch for unexpected information coming to light is the 14th when Mercury retrograde meets up with Jupiter.   

Today and tomorrow mark an important celebration in the pre-Christian old European calendar.  It is the celebration of fire, poetry, and healing, Feile Bride, named for the fire goddess Brigid in Ireland. 

Bring on the healing and inspiration!   

February’s important dates (EST):

February  1       907 am         Venus enters Aquarius             

Have some fun!

February 8 -9                          Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun @ 20 degrees Aquarius         

Let the surprises unfold !            

February 11     207 pm         New moon @ 23’17 Aquarius     

Envision a new world and celebrate relationships!

February 14                            Mercury retrograde lines up with Jupiter     It will be a very retrograde day!

February 18    645 am          Sun enters Pisces  

February  20   853 pm         Mercury goes direct @ 11’05 Aquarius  

February 27  318 am            Full moon @ 8’57 Virgo    Make some art, redecorate. 


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