PATRICIA MAHER ASTROLOGY…Forecast for November…Hang on to your seats…and stay hopeful.
November 1 2020 Change is coming, I swear. In fact, change has been happening. Pluto has showed its heart center and people have been rising up .. .for months! In November Mars and Mercury go direct. Saturn and Jupiter start their conjunction and usher in grounded leadership. Let me cut to the chase. This is a
PATRICIA MAHER ASTROLOGY…Forecast for November…Hang on to your seats…and stay hopeful. Read More »
The Spiritual Journey: “On the Road to Find Out” by Cat Stevens (a new rendition!), a Beloved Four
This song was one that inspired me through many journeys of darkness, confusion, heartbreak and suffering, telling me to keep coming forward, keep coming forward, you will find your way home. This has a darker, more serious tone to it than the original, a gutsy, jazz feel to it.
More Joy in the Wave of Darkness, ‘You Can Call Me Al’ by beloved, Type 4, Prankster, Poet and Creative Conduit, Paul Simon
The election is seven dark days away. What we know of the psychopathology of Mr. Trump is that he a conduit for continued and deepened insanity, the persecution of those who are suffering, weak or hurting, and gleeful denial that any of it is happening. As dear psychiatrists and clinical psychologists around me say, “He